
FDR(-2008)  Vol.39 

P5-23: Vortices and polynomials別窓 (Adobe PDF739KB)

Hassan Aref

P68-97: Convection driven by collective buoyancy of microbubbles別窓 (Adobe PDF2.51MB)

Keita Iga and Ryuji Kimura

P121-138: Oscillations of a viscous-free surface with a pinned contact line別窓 (Adobe PDF1.05MB)

Rangachari Kidambi

P139-168: Hydrodynamic force on closely arrayed plates in squeezing motion near the plane wall別窓 (Adobe PDF1016KB)

Moon-Uhn Kim and Sun-Hong Park

P169-192: Electric field-driven formation of particle concentration fronts in suspensions別窓 (Adobe PDF1.22MB)

Anil Kumar, Andreas Acrivos, Boris Khusid and David Jacqmin

P193-208: Transitions of axisymmetric flow between two corotating disks in an enclosure別窓 (Adobe PDF286KB)

Tomohito Miura and Jiro Mizushima

P209-220: Circumpolar jets emerging in two-dimensional non-divergent decaying turbulence on a rapidly rotating sphere別窓 (Adobe PDF1014KB)

Shin-Ichi Takehiro, Michio Yamada and Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi

P221-266: Local similarity of velocity distributions in homogeneous isotropic turbulence別窓 (Adobe PDF568KB)

Tomomasa Tatsumi and Takahiro Yoshimura

P267-278: Prandtl-Batchelor flows revisited別窓 (Adobe PDF1.13MB)

Leen van Wijngaarden

P279-291: Surface tension effect on stability of two-phase stratified flow別窓 (Adobe PDF1.15MB)

M.R. Ansari and A. Eskandari Sani

P320-333: Modelling of the Reynolds stress redistribution with a wall effect vector別窓 (Adobe PDF957KB)

Nobuyuki Shima and Hiroshi Kobayashi

P334-345: MHD lubrication flow between rough rectangular plates別窓 (Adobe PDF1023KB)

N.M. Bujurke and R.B. Kudenatti

P346-352: Hamiltonian structure for the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation in the asymptotic model regime別窓 (Adobe PDF1.02MB)

Masakazu Sueyoshi and Takahiro Iwayama

P353-377: Balance regimes for the stability of a jet in an f-plane shallow water system別窓 (Adobe PDF1.44MB)

Norihiko Sugimoto, Keiichi Ishioka and Shigeo Yoden

P378-388: Topographic control of non-axisymmetric stratified spin-up別窓 (Adobe PDF1.06MB)

Sergey A. Smirnov and Don L. Boyer

P413-446: Bifurcation diagram for two-dimensional steady flow and unsteady solutions in a curved square duct別窓 (Adobe PDF2.43MB)

Rabindra Nath Mondal, Yoshito Kaga, Toru Hyakutake and Shinichiro Yanase

P447-456: Boundary conditions and plane magnetic reconnection別窓 (Adobe PDF907KB)

Manuel Núñez

P475-492: Study on the flow structure at the spanwise edge of spreading turbulent region and its control別窓 (Adobe PDF1.04MB)

Ayumu Inasawa, Seiichiro Izawa, Ao-kui Xiong and Yu Fukunishi

P526-551: Lagrangian renormalized approximation of turbulence別窓 (Adobe PDF928KB)

Yukio Kaneda

P552-568: Turbulent drag reduction by means of alternating suction and blowing jets別窓 (Adobe PDF1.02MB)

Takehiko Segawa, Hiroshi Mizunuma, Koki Murakami, Feng-Chen Li and Hiro Yoshida

P590-594: Variational principle to derive the Stokes equations別窓 (Adobe PDF775KB)

Ryuji Takaki

P595-606: A general solution of Oseen equations別窓 (Adobe PDF838KB)

A. Venkatalaxmi, B. Sri Padmavati and T. Amaranath

P665-672: Stochastic Stokes' drift of a flexible dumbbell別窓 (Adobe PDF853KB)

Kalvis M. Jansons

P673-693: On the near field of an axisymmetric synthetic jet別窓 (Adobe PDF1008KB)

Gaetano Maria Di Cicca and Gaetano Iuso

P711-730: Experimental characterization of starting jet dynamics別窓 (Adobe PDF1.1MB)

Geno Pawlak, Carolina Marugan Cruz, Carlos Martinez Bazan and Pedro Garcia Hrdy

P731-754: Gravity wave radiation from unsteady rotational flow in an f-plane shallow water system別窓 (Adobe PDF1.59MB)

Norihiko Sugimoto, Keiichi Ishioka and Shigeo Yoden