
FDR(-2008)  Vol.14 

P7-27: On the stability of wind-driven barotropic ocean circulations別窓 (Adobe PDF3.22KB)

Jacques Verron, Jin-Hoon Jo

P53-62: A nonlinear receptivity process generating Tollmien-Schlichting waves別窓 (Adobe PDF3.29KB)

Masahito Asai, Michio Nishioka

P71-101: Strongly localized events of energy, dissipation, enstrophy and enstrophy generation in turbulent flows別窓 (Adobe PDF3.28KB)

A. Bershadskii, E. Kit, A. Tsinober, H. Vaisburd

P105-119: Simulated and experimental two-layer flows past isolated two-dimensional obstacles別窓 (Adobe PDF3.34KB)

Patrick F Cummins, David R Topham, Hugh D Pite

P241-258: Boundary layer studies over an S-blade別窓 (Adobe PDF3.61KB)

R.S Madhusudan, P.A Aswatha Narayana, V Balabaskaran, E.G Tulapurkara

P259-273: Torsion effect on the flow in a helical pipe別窓 (Adobe PDF3.38KB)

Kyoji Yamamoto, Shinichiro Yanase, Takahiro Yoshida

P275-288: Computation of drag reduction in fiber suspensions別窓 (Adobe PDF3.22KB)

Blaise Nsom

P289-311: Shear stress calculation in asymmetric turbulent flows: a combined ARS-model別窓 (Adobe PDF3.49KB)

Walter Gretler, Walter Meile

P331-352: Evolution of a vortex street in the far wake of a cylinder別窓 (Adobe PDF3.37KB)

T Karasudani, M Funakoshi