日本流体力学会学会賞選考委員会委員長 半場藤弘
受賞者:鈴木龍汰(東京農工大学),長津雄一郎(東京農工大学),Manoranjan Mishra(Indian Institute of Technology Ropar),伴 貴彦(大阪大学)
対象論文:R. X. Suzuki, Y. Nagatsu, M. Mishra, and T. Ban, "Phase separation effects on a partially miscible viscous fingering dynamics," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 898, A11, (2020)
(a) T. Watanabe, J. J. Riley, S. M. de Bruyn Kops, P. J. Diamessis, and Q. Zhou, "Turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces in wakes in stably stratified Fluids," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 797, pp. 1-11, (2016)
(b) T. Watanabe, J. J. Riley, K. Nagata, R. Onishi, and K. Matsuda, "A localized turbulent mixing layer in a uniformly stratified environment," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 849, pp. 245-276, (2018)
(c) T. Watanabe, J. J. Riley, K. Nagata, K. Matsuda, and R. Onishi, "Hairpin vortices and highly elongated flow structures in a stably stratified shear layer," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 878, pp. 37-61, (2019)
(a) K. Matsuda, R. Onishi, R. Kurose, and S. Komori, "Turbulence effect on cloud radiation," Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 108, 224502, (2012)
(b) K. Matsuda, R. Onishi, M. Hirahara, R. Kurose, K. Takahashi, and S. Komori, "Influence of microscale turbulent droplet clustering on radar cloud observations," J. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 71, pp. 3569-3582, (2014)
(c) K. Matsuda, and R. Onishi, "Turbulent enhancement of radar reflectivity factor for polydisperse cloud droplets," Atmos. Chem. Phys., Vol. 19, pp. 1785-1799, (2019)
(a) S. Okino, and Hanazaki, "Decaying turbulence in a stratified fluid of high Prandtl number," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 874, pp.821-855, (2019)
(b) S. Okino, and H. Hanazaki, "Direct numerical simulation of turbulence in a salt-stratified fluid," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 891, A19, (2020)