This award is presented to the author or authors of outstanding papers on Fluid Mechanics published within 10 years from the end of the award year.
Y. Kuya. Tohoku University
K. Totani. Tohoku University
S. Kawai. Tohoku University
[Paper] Y. Kuya, K. Totani, S. Kawai, Kinetic energy and entropy preserving schemes for compressible flows by split convective forms, [J. Comput. Phys. 375 (2018) 823–853]
Makoto Sato, Kogakuin University
Koichi Okada, Siemens PLM Software Computational Dynamics K.K.
Kengo Asada, Tokyo University of Science
Hikaru Aono, Shinshu University
Taku Nonomura, Tohoku University
Kozo Fujii, Tokyo University of Science
[Paper]Makoto Sato, Koichi Okada, Kengo Asada, Hikaru Aono, Taku Nonomura, Kozo Fujii, Unified mechanisms for separation control around airfoil using plasma actuator with burst actuation over Reynolds number range of 103–106, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 32, 025102 (2020)
Ryuta X. SUZUKI, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Yuichiro NAGATA, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Manoranjan MISHRA, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Takahiko BAN, Osaka University
[Paper] Ryuta X. Suzuki, Yuichiro Nagatsu, Manoranjan Mishra and Takahiko Ban. "Phase separation effects on a partially miscible viscous fingering dynamics", Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2020), 898, A11
No Award
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No Award
No Award
No Award
No Award
Shigeo KIDA, Doshisha University
[Paper] S. Kida: “Steady flow in a rapidly rotating sphere with weak precession”,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 680, pp.150 – 193 (2011).
Kenta ISHIMOTO, Kyoto University
Michio YAMADA, Kyoto University
[Paper] K. Ishimoto and M. Yamada: “A coordinate based proof of the scallop theorem”, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 72, No.5, pp.1686 – 1694 (2012).
Koji FUKAGATA, Keio University
Kaoru IWAMOTO, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Nobuhide KASAGI, Japan Agency for Science and Technology
[Paper] Koji Fukagata, Kaoru Iwamoto and Nobuhide Kasagi, “Contribution of Reynolds stress distribution to the skin friction in wall-bounded flows”, Physics of Fluids, Vol.14, L73-L76, (2002).
Yukio KANEDA, Nagoya University
Takashi ISHIHARA, Nagoya University
Ken'ichi ITAKURA, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Y. Kaneda, T. Ichihara, M. Yokokawa, K. Itakura and A. Uno. "Energy dissipation rate and energy spectrum in high resolution direct numerical simulations of turbulence in a periodic box", Physics of Fluids. Vol. 15, L21-L24 (2003).
No Award
No Award
Yohei MORINISHI, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Y. Morinishi, T. S. Lund, O. V. Vasilyev and P. Moin. "Fully Conservative Higher Order Finite Difference Schemes for Incompressible Flow", Journal of Comput. Physics. Vol.143, 90-124 (1998).
Ryoichi KUROSE, Kyoto University
Satoru KOMORI, Kyoto University
Ryoichi Kurose & Satoru Komori. “Drag and lift forces on a rotating sphere in a linear shear flow”, Journal of Fluid Mech., 384, 183-206 (1999).
This award is presented to encourage young researchers in the field of Fluid Mechanics. Selection of this award is made for JSFM members less than 40 years old, on the basis of their journal articles published within 10 years from the end of the award year.
Takashi ARIMA. National Institute of Technology, Tomakomai college,
Tetsuya KANEKAWA. University of Tsukuba
Tetsuro TSUJI, Kyoto University
Aiko YAKENO, Tohoku University
Marco Edoardo Rosti, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Tomoaki WATANABE, Nagoya University,
Keigo MATSUDA, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Shinya OKINO, Kyoto University
Atsushi SEKIMOTO, Osaka University
Naohisa TAKAGAKI, University of Hyogo
Hiroshi OZAWA, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Taku NONOMURA, Tohoku University
Kosuke SUZUKI, Shinshu University
Keiichi KITAMURA, Yokohama National University
Kazuo MATSUURA, Ehime University
Norihiko SUGIMOTO, Keio University
Yosuke HASEGAWA, The University of Tokyo
Soshi KAWAI, Tohoku University
Yoshiyuki TAGAWA, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Satoshi TAGUCHI, The University of Electro-Communications
Ryo ONISHI, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Shinji TAMANO, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Tomoaki ITANO, Kansai University
Tomohiko TANAKA, Hitachi Ltd.
Takao SUZUKI, The Boeing Company
Takashi NOGUCHI, Kyoto University
Hiromichi KOBAYASHI, Keio University
Yuichiro NAGATSU, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Koji NAGATA, Nagoya University
Susumu GOTO, Kyoto University
Koji FUKAGATA, Keio University
This award is presented to the scientists or engineers who developed new technologies using ideas and/or principles of Fluid Mechanics or new instruments or software for the research of Fluid Mechanics within 10 years from the end of the award year.
No Award
Shingo HAMADA, Hajime IKEDA, Takashi KOBAYASHI, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Development of The Highly Efficient and Light Propeller Fan Using Tornado-like Swirling Flows
Shohei TAKAGI1), Ayumu INASAWA2), Masahito ASAI2), Pantec LLC1), Tokyo Metropolitan University2)
Ultralow-Noise Hot-Wire Anemometer with Integrated Probe and Bridge Circuit
No Award
Kazuhiro MAEDA1), Takafumi MAKIHARA1), Kenji TADAKUMA1), Susumu TERAKADO1), Taro YAMASHITA1), Kentaro Tsuboi1), Yoshinao KOMATSU2), Masahiro OTA3), Masashi IYOTA3), TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.1) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries2), MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES MACHINERY SYSTEMS, LTD. 3)
Development of wind tunnel experimental technology for controlling wind fluctuations that enables quantitative evaluation under driving conditions in natural wind
Shyoich IMAHIGASHI1), Naohisa KURIYAMA1), Masaharu SAKAI1), Yasushi MITSUISHI2), Etsurou YOSHINO2), DENSO CORPORATION. 1),, SOKEN,INC. 2)
Development of High Efficiency and Low Noise Technology for HVAC Blower Fan
No Award
No Award
No Award
Hiroshi HASHIMOTO1), Minoru SATO1), Yukihiro KOZONO2), Akihiro UEMURA1), Satoshi KAWADA1), Yuya OTOWA1), TOTO LTD. 1), YASKAWA Electric Corporation. 2)
Development of intermittent water discharge technology with balloon-shaped large bubbles and prevailing energy-saving washing toilet sheet.
No Award
No Award
No Award
Yoshifumi INATANI1), Nobuaki ISHII1), Tetsuya YAMADA1), Koju HIRAKI2), Kazuhisa FUJITA1), Masahisa HONDA1), Susumu TERAMOTO3), Hirotaka OTSU4), Kazuyuki NAKAKITA1), Takashi YAMAZAKI1), Kojiro SUZUKI3), Kimiya KOMURASAKI3), Toshiyuki SUZUKI1), Keisuke SAWADA5), Takashi ABE1), Kozo FUJII1), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency1), Kyushu Institute of Technology2), The University of Tokyo3), Ryukoku University4), Tohoku University5)
Aerothermodynamic design of "Hayabusa" asteroid sample return capsule
No Award
Yuji OHYA, Kyushu University
Development of wind lens microturbines
Masao OTSUKA, Yasukata TAKEDA, Yukishige SHIRAICHI, Hiroyuki IIDA, Kazuya YOSHIKAWA, Yuji UEHARA, Sharp Corporation
Advanced airflow control technology of air conditioners with longer panel, up- or downward opening system
This award is presented to one of the outstanding papers published in “Fluid Dynamics Research” from January to December previous to the award year. The editors and associate editors of Fluid Dynamics Research select a prize-winner.
Yuki Yagi, Kazuki Yabushita and Hiroyoshi Suzuki. "An analytic solution of Navier–Stokes flow past a sphere in the region of intermediate Reynolds number", Fluid Dynamics Research, 55 (4), 045508 (2023).
B K Shivamoggi, G J F van Heijst and L P J Kamp. "The Okubo-Weiss criterion in hydrodynamic flows: geometric aspects and further extension", Fluid Dynamics Research, 54 (1), 015505 (2022).
Stephen Childress and Andrew D Gilbert. "Area waves on a slender vortex revisited", Fluid Dynamics Research, 53 (3), 035508 (2021).
Shigeo Kida. “Steady flow in a rapidly rotating spheroid with weak precession: I”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 52 (1), 015513 (2020).
Jiro Mizushima, Rei Matsuda, Naoto Yokoyama. “Dependence of instability to induce a bathtub vortex in a rectangular vessel on the aspect ratio of the horizontal cross section”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 51 (2), 025505 (2019).
Jacob Wilroy, Redha A Wahidi, Amy Lang. “Effect of butterfly-scale-inspired surface patterning on the leading edge vortex growth”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 50 (4), 045505 (2018).
Saikat Basu, Ali Yawar, Andres Concha, M M Bandi. “On angled bounce-off impact of a drop impinging on a flowing soap film”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 49 (6), 065509 (2017).
Christopher J Keylock, Bharath Ganapathasubramani, Jason Monty, Nick Hutchins, Ivan Marusic. “The coupling between inner and outer scales in a zero pressure boundary layer evaluated using a Hölder exponent framework”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 48 (2), 021405 (2016).
Michael Le Bars, Daniel Lecoanet, Stéphane Perrard1, Adolfo Ribeiro, Laetitia Rodet. “Experimental study of internal wave generation by convection in water”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 47 (4), 045502 (2015).
Stefan Zammert and Bruno Eckhardt “Periodically bursting edge states in plane Poiseuille flow”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 46 (4), 041419 (2014).
S. Koch, U. Harlander, C. Egbers, R. Hollerbach. “Inertial waves in a spherical shell induced by librations of the inner sphere: experimental and numerical results”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 45 (3), 035504 (2013).
Michihisa Tsutahara. “The finite-difference lattice Boltzmann method and its application in computational aero-acoustics”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 44 (4), 045507 (2012).
Naoaki Saito and Keiichi Ishioka. “Interaction between thermal convection and mean flow in a rotating system with a tilted axis”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 43 (6), 065503 (2011).
Mikhail A Sokolovskiy and Xavier J Carton. “Baroclinic multipole formation from heton interaction”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 42 (4), 045501 (2010).
Masaki Shimizu and Shigeo Kida. “A driving mechanism of a turbulent puff in pipe flow”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 41 (4), 045501 (2009).
Adrian Constantin and Robin S Johnson. “Propagation of very long water waves, with vorticity, over variable depth, with applications to tsunamis”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 40 (3), 175-211 (2008).
Rabindra Nath Mondal, Yoshito Kaga, Toru Hyakutake and Shinichiro Yanase. “Bifurcation diagram for two-dimensional steady flow and unsteady solutions in a curved square duct”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 39 (5), 413-446 (2007).